
Drum Kits

Show only:
Name Demo Category Subcategory Chat Command
2-Step Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
707 And 727 Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
A Different Kind Of Slapper Kitrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Absolute Slapper Kit
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Absurd Beatbox
(renamed by TurboAbsurdum)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Alien Probing Kitrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Analog Techno Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
ARF the Barking Dograre!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Banradi's Tableaurare!
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Big Beat Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Blue Banner Kitrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Boutique 808 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
BoX o J's
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Brand New Beatrare!
(renamed by ARealHumanBean)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Breaks Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Broken Beat Kit 01 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Broken Beat Kit 02 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Cavern Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Chromatic Wonder
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic Dub Kit 01 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic Dub Kit 02rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic Hip Hop Remixrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic House Remixrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic Techno Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Classic UK Hip Hop play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Coughing Fit
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
craZy Wild Junkyard dugrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Crunchy Peanutbutter X Jamrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Crushed By Blank Kitsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Cymbalic Yellowhammer Juggernaut
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Deep House Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Downtempo Kit 01rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Downtempo Kit 02 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Drum 'N Bass Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Drums in the Deeprare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Dry Standard Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Dub Smash play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
East Bay Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
El Are Effrare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Electro House Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Electronic Dub Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Epic Electro play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Euro Dance Remixrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
EXS 808rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
EXS 909rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Four on the Floor Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Funk Boogie Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Ghost Town Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Giants on Tipstoerare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Giants Professional Bowling Leaguerare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Goa Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Got Questions Frank?rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Gritty Funk play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
H80s GRap Fiktrare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hard Techno Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Headbanger Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Hear The De-Bugger Get Wickedrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Heavy Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Hip Hop 90s Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hip Hop Heavy Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hip Hop Remixrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hip Hop Sly Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hit Machine play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hit Me, Hit Me, Hit Me!rare!
(renamed by lady_of_the_lakes)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hugo Xavier Jamaican Me Crazyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Hyper Percussive Fusionrare!
(renamed by Muzicchik)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
I Want My Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back Jibsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
I'm Not A Drumkit Trumpetrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Indie Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Indie Kit Liverare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Instant Quasar Fryerrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
It's Punch Funkyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Jackie's Penumbral Flightrare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Jazz Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Je Ne Sais Dugrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Just Got Goingrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Kïng-$ízed Qüèén Fünkrare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Kristofferson at the Drumsrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Latin Kit V1rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Latin Kit V1arare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Lemon Face Brake Beat Kit
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Let's Play Fetchrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Lets Big Low Kick It!rare!
(renamed by sOwomOz)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Liverpool Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Lo-Fi Remix play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Lurking In The Basementrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Manchester Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Might Pity the Foolrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Minimal Electro Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Minimal Hip Hop Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Minimal Kit 01rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Minimal Kit 02rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Moar Cowbellrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Montana Railroad Firerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Mostly Quiet Ferretsrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Motown Revisited Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Mr. Robert's Specialrare!
(renamed by MoodBytes)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
MrRoberts at the drumsrare!
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Neo Soul Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Neurotoxin Jumperrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
New Weird Jeeves Kitrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
New Year, New Drumkitrare!
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Nine Round Fightrare!
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Not Going Greyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Not Quite Finnishrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Nouveaux Disco Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Occular Queen’s Fractalsrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Old School Funk Remix V1rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Old School Funk Remix V2 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Only Real Fansrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Pa Rum Pum Pum-Pum (Lil' Dugger Boy Emergency Cake Remix )rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Paris House Remix V1rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Paris House Remix V2 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Perfectly Imperfectrare!
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Pixies Playing Mushroom Drumsrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Planet ERFrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Pop Quiz Fantasyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Portland Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Progressive House Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Project X Celebrationsrare!
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Quick Reward Flexesrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Quirky deluXe Jam
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
R&B Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
R&B Remixrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Really Ruff Funkrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Retro Rock Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
RnB Lo Fi Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
RnB Remix Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Roadhouse Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Rock Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Roland TR-808 Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Roland TR-909 Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Roots Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Scientific Method Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Sentient Robot Funkrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Seventies Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Side Chain Processor play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Single Grip Grooverare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Slow Jam Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Smash Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
SoCal Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Space Particle Fissicksrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Steely Beats play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Stereo Drum Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Studio Brush Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Studio Heavy Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Studio Tight Kitrare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Sunset Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Syncopated Velour Jemberare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Syncopation Zero Kitrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Temporarily Nuke Itrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
The Ban Hammersrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
The Bierro McPierro Kitrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
The Etcetera Kitrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Thunder at the Gates
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trance Kit 01rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trance Kit 02rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trance Remix V1rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trance Remix V2 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Tribal Kit play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trip Hop Remix V1rare! play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Trip Hop Remix V2 play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Udu Quinta Forterare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Unreal Acoustic play_circle_filled Drum Kit Acoustic Copy
Untz Untz Untz Untzrare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Very Very Jazzy Drumkitrare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Vexed Jingle Drumsrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Vintage 808rare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Volume Quietly Fluctuatesrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Wada Works Inc.rare!
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
What If Mod Was One Of Us?rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Where the X is Jenkins?rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Where Will Jenkins Drum?rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Wood Vs Junglerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Xtreme Vibration Jinglerrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Yeet Whisker Janerare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy
Zero eXcuses
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Drum Kit Electric Copy


Show only:

Name Demo Category Subcategory Chat Command
01010100 01101111 01101111 01100010 01111001
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
10,000 Wasted Maniacs
(renamed by Phil_A)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
100 Karats Of Love
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
12 String Acoustic Guitar play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
12 String Dual play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
1500 Naps
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
1970s Analog Arp play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
1973 Pinto
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
1st Crossing
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
2.998x10^. . . .m/s
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by BeautifulBlanket)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
4XL (Hoodie)
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
6am Cyber Jazz Bass
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
70's Funk Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
70's Scifi Ultimate Quixotic Hyper Ionic
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
8-Bit Nostalgia
(renamed by wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
8-bit Pay Phone
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
8-Bit Sunrise At Midnight
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
80's attempt at WAVE music
(renamed by Ruffcase)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
80's Pop Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
(renamed by kamerabi)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
80s FM Bass Attack play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
80s Hair Attack
(renamed by Maddyn13)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
80s Sync Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
8bit Church Organ
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
95% of the time it works everytime
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
98.6 Degrees of separation
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A Betta Placerare!
(renamed by ChalkNautikal)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Blur In The Systemrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Choir-ed Taste
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
A Chorus of Wombat Angels
(renamed by ApatheticWombat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Door Opening Up
(renamed by ElliotEDM)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Dozen Salvations
(renamed by ConanTheEmployer)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Fitting Name for a Sound
(renamed by StrawberryBubbles01)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
A funny looking dog
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Healing Light Symphony
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Hundred Ghosts
(renamed by Muqington2)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
A Jenkins Like Bass
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Acoustic Copy
A Jolly Joker
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A Kindness Repaidrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
A long Way From Nowhere
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Meeting of the Merms
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
A Mighty Wind...From Below...
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
A Mind Forsaken
(renamed by w1ck3d_l0vely)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
A Molerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Mute Echo of Tom
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
A Mute Phase
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A Mystery Buried Beneath Ochre And Clay
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
A new Millenniumrare!
(renamed by SlurpJuicington)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Nighttime Rave at the Planetarium
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A Padded Room
(renamed by IndieKylo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Perplexing Experience
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
A Phule's Trip
(renamed by GiddyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
A Pondering
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Quiet Momentrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Righteous Gift
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Rival Sound
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A single unsolicited Raisin and its hidden cousins
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
A Sneaking Suspicion
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
A Sound With No Name
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
A Spiritguard's Whisper
(renamed by oddoddette)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Sustainable Eternity
(renamed by TheNastyNate2017)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Teenage Tantrum (feat. Punching Pans)
(renamed by ReactiveNylon)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A Thief In The Night
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
A Thousand Cozy Nightmaresrare!
(renamed by heropapaya)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
a Thule's Dream
(renamed by CaseyGeske)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
A Timeworn Strum
(renamed by Koozku)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
A Variable Known
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
A Veritable Fortunerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
A Voracious Greed (for you)
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
a WaYbacK soundrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
A ZULda Lullabyrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Aarons Attack play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Decay play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Journey play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Journey INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Journey MW play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Pitch Fx play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Superstack INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aarons Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Abfahrer play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Aboriginal Space Gongsrare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Abraxas play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Abraxas Attack play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Abraxas INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Abraxas Intro play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Absolutely Lost Hoperare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Absolved By Fire
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Abstracta play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Abstracta INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Absurdia Awaits!
(renamed by TurboAbsurdum)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Abyss of Despair play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Access Codes play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Achilles High Heelsrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Acid Attack play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Acid Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Acid Etched Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Acid Pulsewave play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Acid Sawtooth play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Acoustic Guitar play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Acoustic Harmonics V1 play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Acoustic Harmonics V2 play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Acoustic Harp play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Across Nebulous Galaxiesrare!
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Across The Canyon's Heart
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Actually, We Insist
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Acutally a very Intense Joyful sound
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Adoring Your Heartrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by RedeemerSpawn)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Advanced FM play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Adventure play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Adventures of Troy
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Aeon Dust Flux
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Aether Choir play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aether Pipe Gonk
(renamed by edgar_allan_poecorn)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Afex play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Affirmative Xions Halucinating in spacerare!
(renamed by mufusion)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
African Kalimba play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
African Marimba play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
African Wood play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Afro-Cuban Piano play_circle_filled Keys Piano Copy
Afterburner Flame Hyperare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Aggressive Fretless play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Aggressive Pluck Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Aggroviking)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Agile Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by ElBierro)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ahi Tuna Casserolerare!
(renamed by much0mas)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ahkuna Matatarare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Air An Aria , Late Metal, Dug Saw I Was Gud
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Air Cello play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Air Stream Keyboard play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Airbass Synth play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Airborn Memories play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
'airy Larry
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Airy Lead play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Airy Picks play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Alan SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Alcoholic Onion Greaserare!
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Ale Anatomyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Alex In F
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
aleXa New Jam
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Alien Abduction Bass
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
alien angel choir
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Alien Curse Wordsrare!
(renamed by RageMadeFlesh)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Alien Discovery play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Alien Probes
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Alien Space Probe play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Alien Sunburn
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Alien Vibraphone
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Aliens Fear Intelligencerare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Aliens in My Microwaverare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
All Dat Mayo
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
All Doms Kapparare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
All Hail King Mutie
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
All Systems Go!rare!
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
All Yall Licoricerare!
(renamed by baxOjayz)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
All Your Bass Are Belong to Usrare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
All Your Bass Are Belong to Us!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Allegra's Afterglow
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Allegra's Dissonant Bells
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Allegra's Sleeping Again
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Allophonic Jet Incomingrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Almost Piano Arpeggiation play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
AlmostLife's Hypnotic Bliss
(renamed by AlmostAtLife)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Alon Zee Jamrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Alone at the Jamboree
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Alot To Deal Withrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Alpha Staterare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Alternate Volcanic Choirrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Alto Sax play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Alucard's Battle
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Aluminum Hydroxide
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Always Hug Goats (Dug)
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Always Ultra Groovilicious
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Am I a joke to you?
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Amber Timber Jamboreerare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Ambi Drobz play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Ambi Drobz INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambi Perc play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Ambi Stack play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambi Stack INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambience Pluck play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Ambient Anime Echo
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Ambient Intrigue play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambient Light play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambient Overtones play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambient Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ambient Slow Bow play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Amorphous eXquisite Echoesrare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
An EnigMarare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
An Entire Paragraph?
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
an ode to dugDbugrare!
(renamed by shattom)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
An Overwhelming Surplus of Diggity
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
An Owl With An Arare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
An Unknown Sound from an Unknown Sourcerare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Analog Bass 01 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Bass 02 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Bass clean play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Bass distorted play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Bass Sequence play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Analog Bass Twister play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Funk play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Analog Horns play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Analog Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Analog Pluck play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Analog Saw 3 Osc play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Analog Saw Init play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Analog Saw Unison play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Analog Stack Synthrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Analogue Dreams play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by Echo_Locations)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Anatomy of a Vii Chartrare!
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Ancestral Voices
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
And Another FNG...rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
And Chug This For All..rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
And It's a Debut!rare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
And Some Call Him... Richrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
And Then Dug Said "Let There Be Sound. "
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
And They Driftedrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Android Funk play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by jvalentinegames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Angel Bells play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Angel Dancerare!
(renamed by BizzyFreeman)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Angel Hair
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Angel of Tartarus
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Angel Tropics
(renamed by Celestialprariedog)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Angel Voicerare!
(renamed by Bac2Bragg)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Angelic Idiosyncrasy
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
(renamed by Angelatic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Angry CKHnrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Angry Katerpillar Juicerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Animated Swirls play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Anime Villain Leaguerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
(renamed by brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Anonymous Alcoholic Llamasrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Anonymous Generosity
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Another Comp play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Another Day, Another Sound Named About Grandmasrare!
(renamed by b_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Another Juicy Hairballrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Another Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Another Rescued Jenkinsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Antarctic Sun play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Anthem Chord Arp play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Anthemic Sync Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Anti Matter Clouds play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Antimatter Synth play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Any Movie Would Be Neato, If You Would Cast DeVitorare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
App Pull Jellyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Approaching Yonder Intensity
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Apugs's Growl Baby! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Aqua Enchant play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Aqua Plane play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by 1337fuzz)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Aquatic Steel Drum
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Aquatic Symphony
(renamed by RunePenrod)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ar Vee Aitch
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Arangatang Inspector Fortificationsrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Arcade Ambience Nostalgiarare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Arcane Mystery
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Arcane Programming Incantationrare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Archangel Dawn
(renamed by ClaraBowBunny)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Arco Strings play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Arctic Noise Lead play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Arctic Vibrationrare!
(renamed by ArcticcSoul)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Are Ear Hearrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Are we there yet?rare!
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Are You Listening?rare!
(renamed by RageMadeFlesh)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Areona Esq's Syn Oct Lead
(renamed by Areona_Esq)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Around The Benz
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Around Zero Kelvinrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Arp Animations play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Arpeggiated Between The Notesrare!
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Artificial Flavors play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
As The Frogs Sing
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
As The Ghosts and Goblins Wail
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ascended To Great Heightsrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ashes to Ashesrare!
(renamed by Ozeki)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Asian Dreams play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Asian Plucked Strings
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Ask Old Frankrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Ask Ur Improviserrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Asking 'Bout Idahorare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Astlevania Music Jamrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Astral Ascension
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Astral Geometric Fractals
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Astral Music Box
(renamed by Lusty_Bard)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Astral Mystical Kaleidoscoperare!
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Astral Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Astral Projection
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Astronauts on The Moon
(renamed by s0ulvibes_)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
At Ease with E's
(renamed by The_Etcetera_Kid)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
AT Home Alabama
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
At The Haberdasheryrare!
(renamed by etckid)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
At Zero Hourrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Atlantis of Sol
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Atmo Sync play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Atmospheric Icing
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Atmospheric Twinkling
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Atomic Doggo
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Atonal Melody play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Attackbell play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Attackbell INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Attacke play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Attitude Bass play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Audience Capacity Feed
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Audio Visual Heavenrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by WintersMalice)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Augmented Oscillating Intricacies
(renamed by brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Aurora Has Forgottenrare!
(renamed by Nelokon)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Australian Whispersrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Auto Focus play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Automat KalashniKeys Musicarare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Automatic Breaking Habitsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Automatic Groove Generator
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Automobile Bumper Stuffrare!
(renamed by JohnScim1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Autonomous Kinesthetic Inflection
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Autumn Mist
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Average Voodoo Hexrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Awaken From Dark Dreams play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Away in the Elven Kingdomrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Awesome dudesrare!
(renamed by NoldorDragon)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
awesome tunes
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Aww Look Out... That's Huge!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Axel Revisitedrare!
(renamed by KoaTheRaiser)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Axels X-Treme Foleyingrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Axiom Verge
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Aye Aye Irare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ayyye It's Dugrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Aziz Light! (Bada Bing Bada Boom Edition)rare!
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Azure Fire
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Azzazelynn's Smart Girl
(renamed by Azzazelynn)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
B Movie Psychic Powersrare!
(renamed by sOwomOz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
B, Eh?rare!
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Baby Waters Splash
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Backflip In Slow Motion Deluxe (Silver and Gold Version)rare!
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bad Corn Flake
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bad Nugget Experience
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Baked Until Freshrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bali Bells play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Ballad E-Piano play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Ballad Electric Bass play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Ballad of Brother Ruther
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Bamboo Air Stings play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Banana Plucking Garden
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Banana Sodarare!
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Banana Starsrare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
(renamed by fru_pusse)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by ARealHumanBean)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Meatlon)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bangkok Cowboy
(renamed by gingineer)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
(renamed by Brut3Squad)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bapasweep play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Bard's Jaunty Gig
(renamed by Subaquinal)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Baritone Sax play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Barney W Google
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Barthomew's Shoesrare!
(renamed by shenaniganagain)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Basic Cord play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Dance play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Basic Decay 1rare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Decay 2 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Basic Soft Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Basic Synth play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Synth Det play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Synth Fifth play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Synth Oct play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Basic Velo play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bass play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Bass + SQ play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bass 1 play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Bass 2 play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Bass Bleep play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bass Groove play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bass Menace
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bass Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bass Sweep play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Bass Town
(renamed by TheIcis)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bass, Adjacent
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Basses play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses (Symphony Series)rare! play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Legato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Pizzicato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Staccato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Tremolo play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Trill 1 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses Trill 2 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Basses+ play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
(renamed by Dr4ghk4r1)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bassoon Solo play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Bassoon Solo Legato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Bassoon Solo Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Bassoon Solo+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bassy McBassFace
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bastille My Heart
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Batman Climbs the Daily Planet
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by bar_be_que)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Be Random Janetrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Beach Bells play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Beach Bells INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beach Bells mono play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Beach Bells mono INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beach Dreams With Light Fading Wavesrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Bean's Bonafide Beat
(renamed by ARealHumanBean)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bear Paws play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Beat Xtra Fastrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Beating Stars play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beaty McBeatFacerare!
(renamed by Moonshiii)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beautiful Sine Harp play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Beautiful Twinkling Lightsrare!
(renamed by msbeautfl09)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bebop Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Because Claude Laughedrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Because Everythings FINE!rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Becoming Water Intoxicatedrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bed of Stars
(renamed by The_Etcetera_Kid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beef Boofrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Beep Boop Boprare!
(renamed by fmosquito9)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Beep Boop Borprare!
(renamed by laura__bell)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Beep Boopity Doop
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Beetle Around the Bushrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Before Silence..........MUSIC!rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beige Sandalsrare!
(renamed by polychromaticNavelFluff)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
being joyful in the momentrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Being Naturally Griftedrare!
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Being Sarcastic
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Bell Echo Arp play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bell or Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bell Swarm play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Bellsphere Basic play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsphere Dark play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsphere Dark Filter play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsphere HPF play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsphere Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsphere_Forma Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bellsynth play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Bellus Blingusrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Benevolent Reward Inheritance
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Berlin Xperience play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Best Final Fantasy 6 Characterrare!
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Best Sync play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Best to Hear These James Liverare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beta Zeta Indigo
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Better Call SALrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Better Frog Homerare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Better Than Ehrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Better Than Okayrare!
(renamed by WearsHats)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Between Heaven's Islandrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Beware A Lucky Jukebox
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Beyond the Borders of Realityrare!
(renamed by Auran_Vesdranor)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Beyond The Horizon
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Bieeeerrobanjo Veeeery Heeeeeavy!!rare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bierro Will Crush Yourare!
(renamed by ElBierro)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Bierros Friend Forever!rare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bierros Strange Thingrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bierros Xtravagant Grunts
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bierros Zucchini Hideoutrare!
(renamed by ElBierro)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big 80ies play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big 80ies INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big 80ies Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Attack Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Big Band play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Big Intro to the ...
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Big Jazz Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Big Kalimba play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Big Laughing Llama
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Big Legs Greg
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Matrix Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Pad MW play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Red dugdbuGrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Big Sweep V1 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Sweep V2 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Sweeper play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Big Syncer play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Big Tooth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Big Trance Now play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bigger Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Bigger, Bolder, HEAVIER!!!rare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Biggie Smallsrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
BigMac Templerare!
(renamed by OfficerBigMac)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bikini King Judgerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bilbo Under Hillrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Bill "Mutie" Dankerson
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bing Bongrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by clairepics)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Bird Lives!rare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Birth of a Galaxyrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Birth of a Star
(renamed by Cobalttwitchtv)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Birthday Bass!
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Birthday Cakerare!
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Birthday Surprisesrare!
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bit Brassy Muffin
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bit Surround play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bit Surround Dark play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bit_Candle MorfModW play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bit_Candle Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Biting FM play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Black Lives Matterrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Blaze Galaxy
(renamed by DevilsNestKimblee)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Blech H play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Blech L play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Blind Frogs Chantingrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Blinded Brilliance
(renamed by CptJackySparra)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Blippy Things play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Blizzard Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Blue Air play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Blue From Laughingrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Blue Lights
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Blue Power!
(renamed by tandylove)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Blue Skies play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by Ratman_Flo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bluegrass Banjo play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Blues Solo Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Bluesy Acoustic play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Boat Load of Bass
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Boat R Homerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Boatorious D.U.G.rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Bobbo James Interluderare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bologna & Ketchup Hoagierare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Bombay Pluck play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Bongo Clap Incisivelyrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Boof Beefrare!
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Boof Wellingtonrare!
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Booptron's Themerare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Borkin Bass v2
(renamed by johnnydoggo)
play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Borkin' Bass
(renamed by johnnydoggo)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Born Tooby Isledrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Boston Beatsrare!
(renamed by NovaNewport)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bot Not Hotrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bounce Around play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Bouncing Boopsrare!
(renamed by CallmeKixie)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bouncing the ball with Troyrare!
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
bouncy clouds
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bowed Electric play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bowed Lead play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Boxy Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Boy Dats Funkyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Boys Chamber Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Boys Chamber Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Boys Chamber Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Brain Floss
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Brain Waves
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Brain X Healingrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Braindroid Brothersrare!
(renamed by KoaTheRaiser)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Brass Section play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Brass Section's Little Brother
(renamed by TravisTheRed)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Brassy Glass Bells play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Brassy Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Brave Soul Joerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by OrchKeystraMusic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Breaks Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Breath of Fire
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Breathing Cyborg play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Breathing Hollow Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Breathless Space play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Breathy Carillon play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Breathy Steps play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Breaxfast Eggsrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Breezy play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Bright Cycle play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bright Keys play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Bright Majestic Waves play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Bright Mk II play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Bright Mustard Growl
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bright Panning Strings play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Bright Punchy Synth play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bright PWM Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Bright Saw Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Bright Shiny Iridescencerare!
(renamed by SoWoMoZ)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bright Strings V1 play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Bright Strings V2 play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Bright Suitcase play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Bright Swell Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bright Volume Intensifies
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Brightest Fuzz play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bringing on the sweet apple pie
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
British Hockey Leaguerare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bro Mutie’s Bear Hugs (Platinum Version)
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Broken Chiffer play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Broken Glass Initiativerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Broken Hee Hawrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Bronze Revenant
(renamed by Thirteenth_Nile)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Brother Blue’s Electric Love (Gold Edition)
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Brother Boat's Boombastic Bingo Bonanza
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Brother Boat's Friend
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Brother From Another Rutherrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Brother Mutie Melted My Mind!rare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bruised Purple Dawn
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Bruko's Ice Cream Truckrare!
(renamed by CaseyGeske)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Brukobean Beatrare!
(renamed by AReaIHumanBean)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by FalkrumTales)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Brukos Heartfelt And Thunderous Force
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Brukos To Coastrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Brukos' Tribal Funkrare!
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Brukos' Violin Pizzicato
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Brushed Petal Silkrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Brute Bass
(renamed by Brut3Squad)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Bubbles Kapture Magicrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Buckle Up
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Buddy Duguitar
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
(renamed by yogibudz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bug LYKErare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bug Spit
(renamed by HaveHearts)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Bugz Saw Glide
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Built To Last
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
BUK Choyrare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bulldozer Bombsquadrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Bullet Time play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Bullfrogs Chanting Kindlyrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Bullfrogs Dozing and Dreamingrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bullfrogs On Parade (Softly)
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Bureau of Dug's Vehicle Motorsrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Burger Kim Impossiblerare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Buried Under Mayonnaiserare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Burst of Sunshinerare!
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Busy Arp Bass play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Butter Roll
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Buying Your Feelingsrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Buzz Fuzz Phaser Bass play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Buzz Saw Electrics
(renamed by eveolo)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Buzzing Insomniarare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Buzzing Metallic Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Buzzn Bee Hiverare!
(renamed by burt_macklin1)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Buzzy Picking play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
By requesting, you consent to all 3rd party cookies, cakes, hugs, and unsolicited Raisinsrare!
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Cactus Candyrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Caffeine in the cityrare!
(renamed by AutomationJason)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Call Me On The Saxophone
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Calling Magic Micrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Calm Chimes
(renamed by RascarDK)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Calming play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Calming Bells play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Can Dom Fly?rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Can I Borrow Your Lighter?rare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Can U 'Magine
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Can We Swing?rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Can You Dug It?rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Can You Friend the Dug in Chat?rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Can't Beat Improvrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Can't Find Inspiration?rare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Can't Forget Generosity aka Sowomoz Gift
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Can't Remember Myselfrare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Canadian Floofball Leaguerare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Candied Grass Hopperrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Candlelight HPF play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Candlelight RNDM play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Candy Apple Jam (Ruby Red Edition)rare!
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Candy Xylophone Gangrare!
(renamed by denzowashington)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Captain Mystery's Crackers
(renamed by flymy707338c)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Capturing Light by the Knucklesrare!
(renamed by pailorzan)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Car Pool Muddlerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Carbonara Bassrare!
(renamed by gameofbrooms)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Carbonated Energy reFresherrare!
(renamed by snakehugz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Caribbean Steel Drums play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Caribbean Steel Drums+ play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Carillon play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by iamtheJaKaL)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Carmel Popcorn Balls
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Carnation (Rose's Daughter-In-Law)rare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cars vs. Angelic Insectsrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cascade play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Cascade Of Lost Instrumentsrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Cascading Crystals
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Casino Lover Jackpotrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Casting kind Inquisitorsrare!
(renamed by Ratman_Flo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
cat celestralrare!
(renamed by katmatwo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cat Sized Horserare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cat Soundrare!
(renamed by ObjectivelyACat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cat-Lateral Sound Machinerare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Catcher In The RIIrare!
(renamed by EtcSim)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by laura__bell)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Cathedrals and Windmillsrare!
(renamed by katiequixotic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cats with Attitudesrare!
(renamed by Kattitude_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cauldron of Hidden Hexesrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cavernous Dreams play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Cavernous Origins
(renamed by rutherfordip)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Celesta play_circle_filled Keys misc Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Celestial Chill
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Celestial Organ play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Celestial Shore
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Celestial Voices play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cello (Arco) play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cello (Pizzicato) play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos (Symphony Series)rare! play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Legato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Pizzicato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Staccato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Tremolo play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Trill 1 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos Trill 2 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Cellos+ play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Celtic Flute And Strings play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Celtic Hammered Dulcimer play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Celtic Hammered Dulcimer+ play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Celtic Harp play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Celtic Hugsrare!
(renamed by MirrorVision)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Celtic Tin Whistle play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Celtic Tin Whistle+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Cement Echorare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Central Etceteration Agency
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Certified Nice Gummiesrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Chamber Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Ensemble Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Female Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Female Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Female Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Male Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Male Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamber Male Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Chamona! Hee Heerare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Chaos Falling Hardrare!
(renamed by lady_of_the_lakes)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Chaos Machine
(renamed by Xphome)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
charlie says all check with your mummy before you go off somewhererare!
(renamed by electricblue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chasing Your Heartrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cheap Organ play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cheerful Melody play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Cheese With Meatrare!
(renamed by Meatlon)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by fmosquito9)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cheques And BALancesrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Chicken in a Biscuitrare!
(renamed by angryCHKN)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
chicken wizardrare!
(renamed by Polnoez)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Chill Keys_Filtered Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chillout Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chills Of A Beautiful Mind
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chillz Universal Loverare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Chimera Bells play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Chimera Keys play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Chimes play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Chimes of Discovery
(renamed by asecondstory)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Chimes Quaking Endlessly
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Chimez n Chillrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chiming Inrare!
(renamed by danbeyerle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Chiming In the Bass
(renamed by jackskellington27)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Chinese Di Zi Flute play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Chinese Erhu Violin play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Chinese Erhu Violin+ play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Chinese Guzheng Zither+ play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Chinese Ruan Moon Guitar play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Chinese Ruan Moon Guitar+ play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Chinese Xiao Flute play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Chip Tune Lead play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Chiptune Dungeons
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Chirping Birds
(renamed by Havoc116FPS)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Choir of Angelsrare!
(renamed by KyutaSyuko)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choir of Anglesrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choir of Timerare!
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choir Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choir Vibes play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
choiring choirrare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Choirpad INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choirpad MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choirpad Velo play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choirs of Indigorare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Choirs of the Waffle Houserare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Chopper Synth play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Chordus Domingus
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
ChromCrush1 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromCrush2 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromCrush3 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromCrush4 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromFM1 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromFM2 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromFM3 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromFM4 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromStereo1 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromStereo2 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromStereo3 INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
ChromStereo4 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Chuck! Chuck, it’s Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry. You know that new sound you’re looking for? Well, listen to this!rare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Chugernaught's Adventure Theme
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Church Choir play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Church Door Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Church Lady
(renamed by HumboldtEF)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Church of Tetrisrare!
(renamed by heropapaya)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Church Organ play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Cinder Moonrare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cinnamon Roast Krunchrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Circle of Fifths play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Circus Circuits
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Citrus Farewellrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Citrus Greeting
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
City Streetsrare!
(renamed by s0ulvibes_)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
City Undergraound Informationrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
ClaraBow's Crush Bunny!
(renamed by ClaraBowBunny)
play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Clarinet Solo play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinet Solo Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinet Solo+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinets play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinets Legato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinets Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Clarinets+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Classic Acid Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic Acid Patterns play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Classic Analog Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic D6 play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Classic Electric Piano play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Classic Funk Boogie Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic Funk Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Classic Funk Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic House Organ play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Classic House Sequence play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Classic LiQuid Luxuryrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic Marimba play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Classic Octave Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic Rock Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Classic Sawtooth Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Classic Suitcase Mk I play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Classic Suitcase Mk IV play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Classic Synlead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classic Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Classic Synth Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Classic Synth String play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Classic Techno 01 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classic Techno 02 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classic Techno 03 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classic Techno Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classic Tonewheel Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Classic Vibraphone play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Classic Wurlitzer play_circle_filled Keys Wurli Copy
Classical Acoustic Guitar play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Classical Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Ensemble Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Female Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Female Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Female Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Flute V1 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Classical Flute V2 play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Classical Male Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Male Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Male Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Classical Piano play_circle_filled Keys Piano Copy
Clav Auto-Wah play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Clav Phaser play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Clean Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Clean Electric Guitar 1 play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Clean Sweep Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clean Tines Are Mine play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Clean-Up on IAL 4
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Clicks In A Vacuum
(renamed by Kidvette58)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clock Pulse Generatorrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Clockwork Armadillo
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Clockwork Ballerina play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Clockwork Factory
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Close Encountersrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Cloud City play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Cloud Diving play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cloud Shimmer play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clouds play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clouds Drop Inspiration
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Clouds INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clouds MW play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Clouds Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cloves and Honey
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Coffee is Best Left Groundrare!
(renamed by cobalttwitchtvtherealme)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by cobalttwitchtvtherealme)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Coffeehouse Bonanzarare!
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cold & Warm play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cold Mystery play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cold Mystery INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Collapsing Waveformrare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Collection of Goodsrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Colonel Dankerson
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
{Colorful Cyan Crystalline Cerebral Nano Noodle Node Infrastructure Integrity Interface} Iros Mutie Noodle Nate
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Colors, Palettes, and Jointsrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Colossal Synth Bassrare! play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Colossus Bass play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Come Gather 'round Friends new and old
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Comets Descentrare!
(renamed by Nelokon)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Comforts of Tomerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Command Line Interface
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Commish Flab's Flipped Bit
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Comp 12 play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Compact Discovery Herorare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Complex Metal Hydridesrare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Compusaw SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Computer Gifted Instruments (Mutie Illustrated Edition)rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Computers Envy Humanityrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Concrete Jungle Life
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Percussion Misc Copy
(renamed by splatman73)
play_circle_filled Keys misc Copy
Contemporary Luminous Extensions
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Cool Blue Bells
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Cool Blue Sonicrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
cool blues
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Cool Cool Icebergrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Cool Etc Guyrare!
(renamed by StrawberryBubbles01)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Cool groovesrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Cool Quick Jellyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cool Sweater Jacketrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cool Yellow Illuminationrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Coolant Vapor Hazerare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Coolblue ANH'd Lukerare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
CoolBlue Doggy, Dogg
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
@CoolBlueReason78 Kuts Your Hamrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Coopy Loops
(renamed by coopstopho)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Cop Show Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Coral Garden play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Corn With Earsrare!
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Corona Killed The Zika Starrare!
(renamed by Phil_A)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cosmic Arp Cycles play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Cosmic Atom
(renamed by MirrorVision)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Cosmic Background Radiation
(renamed by luckybandito_)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Cosmic Boys Choir play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Cosmic Chasms
(renamed by integerDivision)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cosmic Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cosmic Lounge Loops
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Cosmic Strings
(renamed by Spazzify)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cosmic Strings Bright play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Cosmic Strings Dark play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Cosmic Whirls
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by Spazzify)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Could and Should Hugrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Couldn't eXtend Faterare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Countdown From 10 to 1rare!
(renamed by ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Cowboy Hi-Firare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Cowboy on a Cactus
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Cows Without Hooves
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cozy as 2 DugDbugs in a Rugrare!
(renamed by reginaldwam3)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crackle_Trance Morf ModW play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crashing Waves (of sound) Infinitely
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Crawling Choralrare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crazy Anonymous Heart Motherrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Crazy Romeo n Julietrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Crazy Tune Momentumrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Creaking Rusty Gaterare!
(renamed by edgar_allan_poecorn)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Creating Vessels Of Tunneled Energyrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Creative Experimental Musicrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Creative Moment Fail
(renamed by Ortinoth)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Creeping Dread
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Creeping Salvationrare!
(renamed by CalamityVayne)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Creepy Haunted Graveyard
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Crescendo Brass play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Crime Sound Investigation
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Crispy Funk Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Crispy Nimbusrare!
(renamed by RedBeardPaul)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Critical Massrare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crosswaves INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crosswaves Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crosswaves V1 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Crosswaves V2 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crotales play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Crunch Kick Jump
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Crunchy Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Crunchy Saw play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Crunchy Synth Patterns play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Crunchy Trance play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Crush Baby INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Crush Into Merare!
(renamed by beanawake)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Crush Random play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crushdecayrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crushsphererare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crushsphere INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crushvelo MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cry Cry Cryrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Crying Sine play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cryogenic Years Evaporaterare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Crystal Bells play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Crystal Chimes play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Crystal Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crystal Sea
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Crystal Sun play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crystalized Moneyrare!
(renamed by CallmeKixie)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Crystalline Rhythmsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Crystals play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Crystals and Voices play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cumulus Choir play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Curly Wurly play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by currym4n)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Curved Air play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Cyber Ascension
(renamed by DarkLordSteve)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Cyber Cut play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Cyber Lounge
(renamed by Farmer_Billiam)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Cyber Sun
(renamed by TheIcis)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cyber Surfboard
(renamed by Saucy_Duck)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by AwesomeNarwhal)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Cybernetic Spine Tingler 2000rare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Cybernetic Waltzrare!
(renamed by PurelyPenguin)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Cyborg Brain Hemorrhagerare!
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Cyclical Waves play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Cylophan play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Da Konductor Jam aka The Electric Blue Gift Sound
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Daffodil (Daisy's Daughter)
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Daisy (Carnation's Step-Sister)rare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Damn that Meddling HumbertoBoatload!rare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Damn Whobbaly Imba
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dan's Jam Slam Groove
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dance Basic play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dance Basic Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dance Groove 01 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dance Groove 02 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dancing Anvilrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dancing Architecturerare! play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dancing Digits
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dancing in a Fountainrare!
(renamed by pepperfool)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dancing Through Golden Sunlightrare!
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dancy Octave play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Danger Zone Freedomrare!
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dangerous Behavior insiderare!
(renamed by Ratman_Flo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dank Overload
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dank Overlord
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dankness Engineering Grouprare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Danstortion Wave
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dapper Nuanced Jesterrare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dark Attack Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark Background play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Bass Drive play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark Chorus
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Dark Currents play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark Edgy Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dark FM Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark FM Bass INIT play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark FM Drive play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dark Grid Generator
(renamed by ClaraBowBunny)
play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Dark Mallet Layers play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Dark Movements play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Dark Overloadrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Overlordrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dark Pad 01rare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Pad 02rare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Pad 03 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Percussion Layersrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Quiet Humrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dark Swell Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Synth Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dark Trance play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Dark Vibes
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by DJDark2015)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Darkness Beckons play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Darleks Lab play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Dashing Through The Show, On A One Hoarse Open Synthrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dat Bass
(renamed by burt_macklin1)
play_circle_filled Bass Acoustic Copy
Dat Deep Stank
(renamed by DomPalombiMusic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Dave Is SOOOO Handsomerare!
(renamed by davemakesnoises)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dave's Crushin' Bits
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dave's Electric Chimes of Wonderrare!
(renamed by Jojobees)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dawn Light
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Days End play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
De Buttrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Deals With Merare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Death At Last
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Decaf Double-half-cafrare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Deegish's 68 Centsrare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Bass play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Deep Bass Pattern play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Deep Bass Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Deep Bass V1 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Bass V2 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Distortion Pulse play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Electro Bass Pattern play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Deep Fried Pockets
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Funk Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Deep Groove Synth Bass play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Deep Growling Vox Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Hyena Laughrare!
(renamed by angryCHKN)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Deep Neural Patterning play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Deep Quantum Mechanicsrare!
(renamed by thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Deep Sigh play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Deep Space play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Deep Square Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Sub Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Techno FM Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deep Thoughtsrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Deep Tides Afarrare!
(renamed by nick_avii)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Deep Waves Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by di0__0ib)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by FweakyBeats)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Call_me_Rhino)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Deepwater Blowout Preventerrare!
(renamed by Jeeve79)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by Cluelesscargo)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Definitely Not Being Sarcasticrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Definitely Underrated Guy
(renamed by sowomoz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Delinquently Vamping Historyrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Delirious Fountain Penrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Delta Waves Frequentlyrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Deluxe Classic play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Deluxe Modern play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Demolition Heard Merare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Demonic Descentrare!
(renamed by teecee14)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Demonic Electronicrare!
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Department of Jamsrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Depths of Desirerare!
(renamed by johnnydoggo)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Derelict Starship
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Descent play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Descent Into Metroidvaniarare!
(renamed by KyutaSyuko)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Desert Diablorare!
(renamed by MareckGildane)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Desert Mysteries
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Desert Nights play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Design Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Destination: Future Horizonsrare!
(renamed by angryCHKN)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Detriot Ostrich FINISHER!!!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Detroit Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Detuned Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Detuned Ghost Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Detuned Strings play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Dew Drops
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Diamond Interfacerare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Did It WRK?rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Didn't We Already Meet Inside a Jellybean?rare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by HiMyNameIsRune)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by games_arent_games)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Digging Black Holesrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digging Bones
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Digi Ducks Down play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digi Ducks INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digi Ducks LFO play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digi Ducks MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digi Ducks Pitcher play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digi Ducks Rezzrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digicream play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by flabort)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Digital Chargeuprare!
(renamed by Knightxshield)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Digital Chillz Interfacerare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Digital Chimesrare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Digital Choir play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Digital Circusrare!
(renamed by Nerf_Dermer)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Digital Comp play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Digital Dominorare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Digital Junkies Incorporated
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Digital Machine Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Digital Meditation play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digital Organ Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digital Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Digital Rain Drops play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Digital Sunrise
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Digital Uber-Fat play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Digital Wavesrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Digitron Greatsword
(renamed by splatman73)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Digiwave Sequence play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Dimensional Xeno-Entitiesrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Din Begetting Harmonyrare!
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ding Ring Sing Thing Bing Fling Wing Pingrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dinosaur Bankrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Direct Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Dirty Bass play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Dirty Bells play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Dirty FM play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dirty Funk Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dirty Growling Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dirty Pianet play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dirty Violin Invertedrare!
(renamed by fmosquito9)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dirty Wobble play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dirty Zap play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Disc Jockey Manglerrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Disco isn't dead!rare!
(renamed by Kidvette58)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by games_arent_games)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Discordian Malaiserare!
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by AbsenteeMod)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Dissonant Black Holerare!
(renamed by neaituppi)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dissonant Magic play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Dissonant Progress play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Distant Air play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Distant Memories play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Distant Vintage Organ play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Distort Funker play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Distorted Break play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Distorted Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Distorted Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Distorted Rhythm play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Disty Crush play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Disty Crush INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Divine Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
DnB Shot play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
DnB Shot INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Do You Look At Businessrare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dobro Slide play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Does Dom-doodily Oodle the Noodly Noodles I Doodle, Noodly Oodly Oodle?
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Does the Sea Anemone See My Enemy in Me, SuperEmily?
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Doeswell, New Mexico
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Doggo Sniffrare!
(renamed by baxOjayz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Doing a Heavenly Jyg
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dolly Parton of Curtainsrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dom Patrol Introrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dom said, "dank sound"
(renamed by Ruffcase)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dom Von't Failrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dom, It's a K , Its Just A Gamerare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dom's Birthday Sound (No, not THAT birthday sound)rare!
(renamed by DomDude64)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dom's Soul Groove
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dombro Chords
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Dombro Chords on Roids
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dombro Chords2
(renamed by cakejs)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dombro Chordz
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dombro Extension Chordsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dominating Machines play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by anonblackop)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Don Quixote Equivocatesrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Don't Ask Frederic
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow Where The Xylophones Go Giggity
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Don't Forget Liquidrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Don't Judge Harshlyrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Don't Look Under the Bed...rare!
(renamed by tandylove)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Don't Look, Jack
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Don't Lose My Numberrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Don't Murder Jenkinsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Don't Pick This Sound
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Don't Quoth Me On Thatrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Don't Stop Hearrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Don't Worry, Honeyrare!
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Don't YUJ A Brukos By It's Coverrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(Don't) Quit Doing Itrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Donkey Victor Kongrare!
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Donna Winterrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Percussion Misc Copy
Doomsday Machine
(renamed by NiftyGuy1)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Door Number 3
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
(renamed by LyosVanHuhn_)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Dos Equisrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Double Bass play_circle_filled Bass Acoustic Copy
Double Bass (Arco) play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Double Bass (Pizzicato) play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Double Quo Heavenrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Double Your Troll
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Down at the Delirare!
(renamed by weirdgeckos)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Down By The Riverrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Down Tempo Jazzrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Down with with Hicknessrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Downfallrare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Downtown Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Downtown Noblesville Funk
(renamed by Histrion256)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Downtrodden Yak Keeperrare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Downy Yellow Insanityrare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dr. Darkness Meets Captain Condorrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Drapery Quasar Kitesrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dread Dreams in R'lyehrare!
(renamed by RageMadeFlesh)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dream Fractal Intoxicantsrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dream Pluck Patterns play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dream sequencerare!
(renamed by MsBeautfl09)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dream Sines Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dream Voice play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dream Weaversrare!
(renamed by LiviMarie28)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dream Years On Marsrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dreaming of Fólkvangrrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by LordRaoh2018)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
dreamy miLKshaKerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Drifter play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Drifting Awayrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Drifting In Hyperspace play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Drifting Pulsationsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Driller Killer
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Drinking From The Iros Stream
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Drip Into Realms Of Solitude
(renamed by sowomoz)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dripping Faucetrare!
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Drippings Pan Johnson
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Drive Clavinet play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Driven Wurlie play_circle_filled Keys Wurli Copy
(renamed by sh4rpii)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Droplets play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Droplets Impacting (liquid) Heliumrare!
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dropped Such Insightrare!
(renamed by Ruffcase)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Droughts Do Hurtrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Drums for Giacomo
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dry Machineryrare!
(renamed by misswoodhouse)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dub Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dub Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Duck Chronicles
(renamed by HystericalDuck)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
DuckFluffSchultz Shufflerare!
(renamed by CurseAtMe2)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Ducks And The Cobalt Bluesrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Ducks On Parade
(renamed by duckimusmaximus)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
DuelElite1s eXciting Grasshopperrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dug & Drew are Twins
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug A Way Into Our Heartsrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dug Bones And Trombones
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Dug Dallas Multipass
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dug Did Itrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug Down Deep
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dug Dug Goose
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dug Dynastyrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dug E. Freshrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dug emm deeprare!
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug Found the RosenIUMrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug Has IceCreamrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug In Donutsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug In The Window SYLrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
DUG Incognitorare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dug Made This In Excelrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug Mulesrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug Name It!
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug Nukemrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug Overloadrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug Overlordrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug PSA: YouTube>Follow>EtcKid1rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dug Souprare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug Tape: The Sticky Side Of The Tracksrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dug Testingrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dug Under Choir
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Dug Under Improvrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dug X Falconrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dug-a-Dug-a-Dug-a-Dug-a-Choo Choorare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dug: Not Always Incognitorare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug's Au Revoir
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Dug's Bugrare!
(renamed by reginaldwam3)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug's Crunchy Peanut Butterrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Dug's Energetic Impulsesrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Dug's In The Air
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Dug's Laser Drums
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dug's Magically Quiet Kindnessrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug's Nugrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug's Port Side View
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dug's Powerful Heart Force (Deluxe Edition)
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dug's Quiet Jestures
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dug's Ramblin' Box O' Love
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dug's The Greatestrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dug's Whole Holerare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
DugBDug's Kettle Popped Kindnesses (Pro Edition)
(renamed by BuddyNova)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dugdbug is awesomerare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Brut3Squad)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Duggin' In The Crates
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Duggone Extension Chords WutFacerare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dugs Zounds Gudrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dugtales!! Whoo-oorare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dulcet Dissonancerare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Dulcimer Dreams play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Dulcimer Harp play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Dungeons and/or Dragons
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dust Honiesrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Dye Spirit!
(renamed by Subaquinal)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Dyn DX Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dyn DX Bass INIT play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Dynamic Filters play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Dynamic Megatronic
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dynamic Soft Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dynamite Vs Giacomorare!
(renamed by Giacomo_Dynamite)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Dyno Simulation play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Dyslexic Jimrare!
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
e-Like, Follow And Subscribe to Kid's Socialsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Ear Tickler 2000rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Earning Your Kapparare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Earth, Wind, Hamstersrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
East Toast Jenkins
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Eastern Hammers play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Eastern Plucks play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Eastern Solo play_circle_filled Plucked Acoustic Copy
Eastern Velvet Funkrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Eat Your Heart Out Cortana
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
EBI Rose Has It's Thornrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
EC Icyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Echoes from a Starfall at Dawnrare!
(renamed by raiomagikarpbr)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Echoes From another Dimensionrare!
(renamed by heropapaya)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Echoes of Harmonyrare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Echoes Of My Mind
(renamed by mbng)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Echoes of Titan
(renamed by RunePenrod)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Echoes of Valhallarare!
(renamed by RageMadeFlesh)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Echoing My Heart
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Echoing Rainbows
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Echolocation Synth play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by MirrorVision)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Echos From Further Onrare!
(renamed by QbitTheMain)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Echos from the time tunnel
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Echos In The Cobaltrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Echos Reincarnatedrare!
(renamed by Profane1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Eclectic Vacuum Manrare!
(renamed by much0mas)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Ecterate Stretch Jiverare!
(renamed by pailorzan)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Eden Bright
(renamed by ClaraBowBunny)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Edgy Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by Editor_Wardash)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Eerie Ensemble
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Eerie Roomrare!
(renamed by kyzaltin)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Eerie Strings play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Effective Fluidityrare!
(renamed by SAM_Nev333)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Effervescent Jelly Fishrare!
(renamed by Giacomo_Dynamite)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Egg Juggler Haroldrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by Ratman_Flo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Eggs See Haterare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Ehh... Maybe. (An etcCollaboration with the eloquent DugDbug and Father Five in what many have said is the greatest name in the sound database since the longest sound name which was edited by @Domdude64 and co-authored by @brooms17.)rare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Eight Daysrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Eight Exit SpaceShipsrare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Eighties Bass V1 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Eighties Bass V2 play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Eighties Electric play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Eighties FM Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Eighties Power Chords play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
elderly hip-hop choir
(renamed by bird5)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Electone play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Electra Piano play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Electric Banjo Funk
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Electric Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electric Bullfrograre!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electric Buzz play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electric Choirrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Electric Descentrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Electric Dombrosia Chordsrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Electric FIsHrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Electric Galactic Infererencerare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Electric Grandrare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Electric Grand Chorus play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Electric Guitar Harmonics play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Electric Guitar Muted Notes play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Electric Harmonics play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Electric Harp play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Electric Heart Fusionrare!
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electric Jammed Mangos
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Electric Pogo Funkaloo
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electric Stabs
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electric Stage MkII play_circle_filled Keys Tine Pianos Copy
Electric Vintage Fingered play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Electric WAHrare!
(renamed by BobWeirBaby)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
electric water machinerare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Electric Windrare!
(renamed by Knuit)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electrical Interferences play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Electrical Vented Heartrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Electrically Encoding the History of Hyperspace
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electricity Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electrified Drum Fuelrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Electrique Boutiquerare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Electro Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electro Bass Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Electro Chillzrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Electro House Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Electro Wood Blonk
(renamed by superemily)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electroluminescent Sunrise
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electron Patterns play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Electronic Chivalry
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Electronic Dug Musicrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Electronic Juicing Inquisitionrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Electronic Keyboard Lullabyrare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Elemental Eloquencerare!
(renamed by ARealHumanBean)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Elephant 2: Ivory Much Appreciate Songs I Never Herd Beforerare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Elephants Whisper Poetryrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Elevating Soaring Grannies
(renamed by d_iros)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Elevation Wurlie play_circle_filled Keys Wurli Copy
(renamed by Tripp_the_Light)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Elves Harp play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Elysian play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Emailing Every Horserare!
(renamed by Muqington2)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Embrace Lonely Hoursrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Embracing Love's Embers LIke A Warm Blanketrare!
(renamed by msbeautfl09)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Emerald Dreams
(renamed by Cobalttwitchtv)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Emerald Haze Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Emerald Moonlight
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Emerald Shimmersrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Emerge Jencyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Emergency Critical Malfunctionrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Emission play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by baxOjayz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Empty Notchesrare!
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Endless Chorus String play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Endless Enchanted Bellsrare!
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Endless Shrimp Hankeringrare!
(renamed by MercerSkye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Endless String play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Energy Remains Golden
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Energy Stabs play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
English Horn Solo play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
English Horn Solo Legato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
English Horn Solo Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
English Horn Solo+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Enigma Bass
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Enigma Bass Machine play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Enigma's Trance Strings
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Enigmatic Honey Pie
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Enjoy the Synth-sationrare!
(renamed by tandylove)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Enjoy This Upbeat, Energetic Organrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Ensemble Squarerare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ensemble Ultima play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Enter This Inputrare!
(renamed by GDBiLL)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Entering The Castle
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Enterprise Kosmic Ignitionrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Entropy increasesrare!
(renamed by Aggroviking)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Eons Of Grumprare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Epic Blues Odysseyrare!
(renamed by XeperaXeperXeperu)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Epic Cloud Formation play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
EPIC Ejecting Etceterati Echoes Porcupine Porpoise Peeps Icarus Inkscape Incorporation
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Epic Hook Synthrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Epic Yowling Cats in Spacerare!
(renamed by hyn_kirsten)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by #teamWork)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Equal Heightsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Equestrian Minotaurrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Era of the Fastrare!
(renamed by holloway87)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Erby Dips in My Geeborare!
(renamed by wootawee)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Erjent Message. Do Not Ignore!rare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Erwin's kicking jessupsrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Escalator play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Escaping Airrare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Essola Raysrare!
(renamed by johnnydoggo)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
ET Fone Home
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Etc Kid's Imaginary Friendrare!
(renamed by resurrection_hell)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
ETC Merchandise
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by Meatlon)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
etcDad's Keyboardrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Etcetera Kids Hererare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Etceterati Squad!! Etceterate!!!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Etceteration to the Nth Degreerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by fozzman20)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Ethereal Angelic Harmonics
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Ethereal Butterflyrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ethereal Cricketsrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Ethereal Crystal Harmoniesrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Ethereal Dreamsrare!
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Ethereal Ear Spicerare!
(renamed by Mechanical_Bird)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Ethereal Echoes
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ethereal Embrace
(renamed by Masked_Enigma)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Ethereal Moving Feelings
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Ethereal Rhythm play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ethereal Tendiesrare!
(renamed by PUGGYtheMEDIC)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Ethereal Whisperrare!
(renamed by AxleHellfire)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Ethereal Wrath
(renamed by Dr4ghk4r1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Ethically Daunting Hauntingrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ethnic Percussion Patternrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Euro Cut play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Euro Hook play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Euro Trance Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
European Happinessrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
(renamed by BeWonky)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Evanescent Variations on Glassrare!
(renamed by Phule103)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Evaporating Neutronium
(renamed by TheMolesRevenge)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Even More Boat Loads of Bass
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Eveolos eXciting Orange Ice Creamrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Everlastingrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Every Friend Helpsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Every Friend Inspires (Dug Deluxe Anniversary Edition)rare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Every Jealous Kilogramrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Every Jingle Janglesrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Every Towing Haulrare!
(renamed by Ozeki)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Every Universes Extinction
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Every Yesterday Improvesrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Everything is Beautifulrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Evil Inclinations Lierare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Evil Tongues play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Evolution of Particle Fantasiesrare!
(renamed by tandylove)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Evolving Currents play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Evolving Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Evry'Tings Gon Be IRIerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Ex El Hint
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
eXamining JenKinsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Excellence In Improvrare!
(renamed by sOwomOz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Excellent Quote Factory
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Percussion Misc Copy
Exceptionrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Exception INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Exceptional Idea, Huh?rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Excessive Erosions Incorporatedrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
eXcessive Kappa aHeadrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Excited Existential Elephantsrare!
(renamed by PurelyPenguin)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Exciting New Kapparare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Excuse Me Will I XEIrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Excuse You, Jerryrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Exhilarating Heartsrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Existential Exile's Exitrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Exotic Memories
(renamed by missy1607texas)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Exotic Metals play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Exotic Plucked String play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
@explodedsoda is wonderfulrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by GamingUncontrollably)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Explore the Knownrare!
(renamed by Felacabras)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Exploring the Extraplanar Pathwaysrare!
(renamed by RutherfordIP)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Exponential Worldsrare!
(renamed by s0ulvibes_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
EXS Strings 1 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
EXS Strings 2 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Extensions Of A Creatorrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
eXtinction of Veiled Hostsrare!
(renamed by mercerskye)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
eXtra Best Friendrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Extra Footstepsrare!
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Extra Large Baconrare!
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Extra Small Humansrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Extraordinary Imaginationsrare!
(renamed by eveolo)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Extraterrestrial Footstepsrare!
(renamed by anitabandaid)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Extraterrestrial Gitfiddlerare!
(renamed by XeperaXeperXeperu)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Extraterrestrials play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Extreme Clog Dancinrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
eye and eye
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Eyes Meet, Narrowedrare!
(renamed by polychromaticNavelFluff)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
EYL Name This Sivleprare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Eyyyyy!! Hi!!!rare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
EZ Bit Hashrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
EZekIel 25:17rare!
(renamed by dugBdug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Face Front, True Believers
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Faces Lost Undergraound
(renamed by etckid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fade Cutter play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fade into the Stars
(renamed by IndieKylo)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fading Outrare!
(renamed by Kidvette58)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fae Flightrare!
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fair Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Fair to Middlinrare!
(renamed by Fallrate1000)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fairies Hurling Hatchetsrare!
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Fairy DX INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fairy Wings
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fairy X play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fairy X INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fairy X LFO play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fake Friedrare!
(renamed by GeekEngale)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fake Wurly play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
(renamed by Fallrate1000)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Falling Angels play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Falling Down play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Falling While Groovin'rare!
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Falscher Hase
(renamed by rix9r)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Family Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Far Off Organ play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Farewell Captain Kirkrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Farting Old Homerrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Fast Attack Choir play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Analog play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fat Digital Comp play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fat Digital Sweeprare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Filt play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fat FM play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fat Grey play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fat Grooverare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Fat Jupi AmbiFallrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Jupi BPFrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Jupi Darkpad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Jupi LFO B play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Jupi SweepBPF play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fat Square Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fat Synbrass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Fat Sync play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fat Sync Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fat Sync SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Father of Funkrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Father's Whiskey Fartsrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Fatsweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FaVHers Day!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
FB LAtt Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FB Long_Fifth Stack play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fear My Magic ✨rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fear, No, I Fell to Long
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by monicajoyceevans)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Featured Soundrare!
(renamed by CoolBlueReason78)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Federal Gunshots after Investigationrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Feed Back play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Feel Da Firerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Feel The Love
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Feels Like Ionsrare!
(renamed by RedBeardPaul)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Fender Rhodesrare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Feral Elephant Herdrare!
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Festive Instrumental Glamour
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Fhee Fhi Fo Fum
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Fickle Hand of Faterare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Fifth Dimension play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fifth Fiftie HPFrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fifth Fiftie Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fifth Sequence play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fifth SQ 1rare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fifth SQ 2 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fifth SQ velo play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fifth Square Growl play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fifties SciFi play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Figaro's Interstellar Idearare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Filling Rays of Heavenrare!
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Film Memories play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Filter Bubble play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Filter Passagesrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Filter Rain Drops play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Filter Rhythm 01 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Filter Rhythm 02 play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Filter Soul play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Filter Vox play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Filtered Nirvana
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Filterpad_Atlantisrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Filthy Slap Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Final destination
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Final Frontierrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Final Rose Acceptedrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Finally Immolate Jenkinsrare!
(renamed by Phil_A)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Finally Never Finishingrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Finding With Hope (Frank Was Here)rare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fine Great Hamrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Fine Young Hannibalsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Finger Tapsrare!
(renamed by Ruffcase)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Fingered Double Bass play_circle_filled Bass Acoustic Copy
Fingerstyle Electic Bass play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Fink Ployd Guitar
(renamed by Subaquinal)
play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Fink Ployd Quadraphonerare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fink Ployd: Overture Of The Soulrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Fire Hydrant Zeitgeist
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Plucked Synth Copy
Firework Facemaskrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Firing On All CYL And Errsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Firmware of the Worldsrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
First Contact
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Fish In The Mirror
(renamed by GeekEngale)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fitz Geraldrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Fixed Code Interruptionrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Fizzing Orbitrare!
(renamed by LiviMarie28)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Fizzy Layered Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Flamingos Antagonize Henry
(renamed by brooms17)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Flange Saw A play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Flange Saw A Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Flange Saw A INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Flange Saw A Sweeprare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flange Saw Brare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Flange Saw B INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Flange Saw B Velo play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Flanged Voicesrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flannel Junkies
(renamed by Red_Dog_31)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fledgling in Routerare!
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
flight of the bugsrare!
(renamed by bugbug4001)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Floating On Cloudsrare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Floating Space Chimes
(renamed by Danjio)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Flooded Z-Houserare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by sienimiili)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Floral Synthrare!
(renamed by DabouGX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Florida Light Jazzrare!
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FLoride Harare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Flow Motionrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Flowing Rapidsrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Flowing Winds play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flowing with the Glitchrare!
(renamed by i_am_only_a_Big_Child)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fluffy In Heavenrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fluffy Pulse play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fluorescent Whales Longinglyrare!
(renamed by beanawake)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Flute 2.0rare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flute Solo play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flute Solo Legato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flute Solo Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flute Solo+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flutes play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flutes play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Flutes + 2 Octaves play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Flutes + Fifth play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Flutes + Octave play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Flutes Legato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flutes Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Flutes+ play_circle_filled Winds Woodwinds Copy
Fluttering Farfalle
(renamed by noodle_town)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Flyerrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flying Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Flying Home play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flying on the Earthrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Flying Yonder Interluderare!
(renamed by pailorzan)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM att SQrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Beauty play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Bells V1 play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
FM Bells V2rare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Bellsynth INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Comprare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Digiwave play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Distorted play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Draht play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Drive play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM E-Piano Attack play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Electro Pipe play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Envelope play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Fairy Power play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Fairy Wah play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Fairysyn Velo play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Fantasy play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Mega Attack MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Octaverare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Mega Octave Decay play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Mega Octave INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Octave Sweeprare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Osc Pad MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Oscillatorrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Mega Oscillator INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Oscillator LFOrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Mega Stack play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Mega Stack INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Megafat play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Metallic Percrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Metallic PercL play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Out of Tune play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
FM Percsyn 01 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Percsyn 02 INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Percsyn 1 Hirare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Percsyn 1 Midrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Percsyn 1 shortrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Percsyn 2rare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Picked play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Pink EP INIT play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Pluck Softrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Power Grooverare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Power Percrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
FM Power SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Powerbaz play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Powerbaz INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Powerpolyrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Powersyn play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
FM Puls Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Puls Bass INITrare! play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Punch Bassrare! play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Punch Bass INIT play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
FM Sequence Element 01 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Sequence Element 02 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Sequence Element 03 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Sequence Element 04 play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM short SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
FM Spectral play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Spectral Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Spectral Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Spectrum INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Start play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
FM Synth Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
FM Tuned play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
FM Wavetablerare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
FM Wobble Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fnord of the Ringsrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Foggy Astronaut Jazzrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Follow the Sines play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Followerrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fond Whirlwind Memories
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Fonder Hearts Grow Absentrare!
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
For Lack of a Better Namerare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
For Mattrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
For Real Guccirare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
For Real Jumpscarerare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
For The Gloryrare!
(renamed by Wulftrax)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
For TunnelBot's Honorrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
For Your Eyes Onlyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Forest Atmosphere play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forge Of The Iros
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Forget Me Hotrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Forget Me Notrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forgot About DRHrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Fall BPFrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Pad ModWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Arare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Ambientrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep B play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Crazy play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Dirty play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep HPF play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Pitchrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Trancy play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma Sweep Velorare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Forma_Bellsphererare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Formant Choir play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Formant Decay play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Formant Pad INITrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Formant Pad MWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Formant Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by skigoody)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Forward Feelings Insiderare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Found Dug Hererare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Found Dug Insiderare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Four Heaven's Lakesrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fractals of Shimmering Gold
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fractional Kazoo Fundamentals
(renamed by #teamdecimal)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fragrant Everlasting Flatulencerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Freaking out Jenkins' Kidnapperrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Freaky Kinetic Metal
(renamed by WulfTrax)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Freaky Moonlight play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Freds Perfect Heartrare!
(renamed by dugBdug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Free Xtravaganza Futurerare!
(renamed by tokirch)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Freebee or RITO!rare!
(renamed by reginaldwam3)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Freezeey Peakrare!
(renamed by snakehugz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
French Horn Solo leg play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horn Solo Legato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horn Solo Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horn Solo+ play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horns play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horns Crescendo play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horns Legato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horns Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
French Horns+ play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Frenchie play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Frenzied Computational Haggling
(renamed by o_Mileage_o)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Frequency Velocity From Domrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Frequent Flyerrare!
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Frequently Broken, Huh?rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Fresh after the Rainrare!
(renamed by AutomationJason)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Fresh RnB play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fretless Electric Bass play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
Fretless Wave Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fretless Wonder play_circle_filled Bass Electric Copy
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fridge Magnet Gastronomyrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Friendly Computer Fixer dugDbugrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Friendly Firefighters Fighting Firerare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Friends Are Importantrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Friends I Love (such as Mutie)rare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Friends of Funkrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
From Hells Junkyardrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
From within the corerare!
(renamed by pete_mouse)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
From Xanadu's Heartrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by DuelElite1)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by Under_5core)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Frozen Bass Waves play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fuji-Koto play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Full Brass play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Full Brass Legato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Full Brass Staccato play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Full Brass+ play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Full Organ play_circle_filled Keys Pipe Organ Copy
Full Pattern Madnessrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Full Petal Jacketrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Full Range Synth play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Full Strings play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Legato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Pizzicato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Staccato play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Tremolo play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Trill 1 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings Trill 2 play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Full Strings+ play_circle_filled Strings Acoustic Copy
Fun Cake Machinerare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Fundamentals of Hoperare!
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Funk from the Swamprare!
(renamed by TheLordOfWalnut)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funk Horn Section play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Acoustic Copy
Funk Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funk Pulse Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funk Splash Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funk Synth Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Funk Yeah, Kalerare!
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funkadelic Notesrare!
(renamed by Kidvette58)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Funkotronic Calypsorare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Funktasm Gravyrare!
(renamed by brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funky Chunky Clav play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
Funky Clav play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Funky Clavinet play_circle_filled Keys Clav Copy
funky junkrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Funky Junkrare!
(renamed by ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Funky Keysrare! play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Funky Leadrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funky Lick Stratocaster play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Funky Neu HiFirare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Funky SQ play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Funky Synth play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Funky Tomato Jamrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Funny and Frighteningrare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Funny Koala Insubordinationrare!
(renamed by PierreW_de)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Fusion Stylerare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Future Factory play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Future Life Formrare!
(renamed by Pythagorat)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Future Screamerrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Future Swirling Disaster
(renamed by explodedsoda)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Future Wobble Bass play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Future Zealous Intensifiedrare!
(renamed by Huntersoul5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Futuristic FM play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Fuzzy Bassrare!
(renamed by Editor_Wardash)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Fuzzy Bell play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Fuzzy Guy play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Fuzzy Krare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fuzzy Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Fuzzy Pluck Lead play_circle_filled Guitars Electric Copy
Fuzzy Sweep play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy Had No Hair, And Then He Diedrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Gah! This neverending loading screen is frustrating!
(renamed by RaioMagikarpBR)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Galactic Layers play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Galactic Sunriserare!
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Galaga Garare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Galaga Trailsrare!
(renamed by Its_Vapor)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Galatic Leisure Intermissionrare!
(renamed by pailorzan)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Galaxy Brainrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Galaxy Scratchingrare!
(renamed by sowOmoz)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Game of Heartsrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gamelan Bellsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Gamer play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Gamer Timerare!
(renamed by sushiboomboom)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Gamer Von Glitchrare!
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gamma Refractor
(renamed by Thankonomics)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
(renamed by Miss_Mary_Lu)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
(renamed by Autumn_Gard)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Garden of Earthly Delightsrare!
(renamed by QuarterSquareX)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Garden Rushrare!
(renamed by Echo_Locations)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Gargantuan Sound Invasion
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Gargantuan Victory Hamrare!
(renamed by Brukos)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Gary Yodels Kindlyrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Gas Bubble Poprare!
(renamed by MrRobertTables)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Gaseous Lead play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Gastly Amber Icorrare!
(renamed by KarlCanDoit)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gate Keeperrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Gates of Deliriumrare!
(renamed by baxOjayz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Gazorpazorps Fighting Grokbotsrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gears And Springs play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Gekko's, Kosmonauts, and Insomniacsrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gelatinous Rainbows
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gene Splicer play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Gene's Just Kiddingrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Generic Hot Tub Pizza Tuberare!
(renamed by etcetatroll)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
(renamed by Broskif)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Genius Chordsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gentle Giant play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gentle Rain Shower play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gentle Sine Bells play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Gentle Synthesis Jamrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Geometric Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Get {Off} My Lawn Interlude
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Get A WiFF Of Thisrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Get That Money!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Get Xumrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Get Your Friendsrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Get Your Horse!rare!
(renamed by ToBeOrNotToBot)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Getting Paul Jonesrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Getting Wiggy Wit Itrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Ghost In The Houserare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Ghost In The Machine play_circle_filled Synth (Warped) Copy
Ghost Voicesrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Ghostly Voices play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Ghosts Lamenting Hapticsrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Gia Dynamite's Dream Sequence
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Giacomo Dynamite Lives!rare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Giacomo Giacomo Giacomo
(renamed by EtcKid)
play_circle_filled Bass Acoustic Copy
Giacomo’s Abacus
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Giacomo's Alarm-Clock
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Giacomo's Calliope
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Giacomo's Dynamiterare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Giacomo’s Epilogue
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Giacomo’s Homemade NyQuil Recipe
(renamed by noktyrnyl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Giacomo's Pizza Delivery
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Giant Overpowered Hamsterrare!
(renamed by ElBierro)
play_circle_filled Winds Brass-Synth Copy
Giant's Beer Bottle
(renamed by iamtheJaKaL)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Giddy Dungeon Masterrare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Gift From the Godsrare!
(renamed by cobaltzttv)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gift Of Firerare!
(renamed by 3muffin_loave91)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gigantic Edgy Lead play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Girl Friend Frenzyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Girls Are Female
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Vocals Synth Copy
Give Hugsrare!
(renamed by BeautifulBlanket)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
givin’ me Chillzrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Glacial Cavernsrare!
(renamed by Valisaria)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Glacier of Sorrowrare!
(renamed by DarkLordSteve)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Glacier Padrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gladly eXchanging Heartsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glass Butterfly play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Glass Ghostsrare!
(renamed by CalamityVayne)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Glass Mallet Patterns play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Glass Marimba Hard Mallet play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Glass Marimba Muted play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Glass Marimba Soft Mallet play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Glass on Jupiterrare!
(renamed by megdynamic)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Glass Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glass Pluck play_circle_filled Synth (Sequence Elements) Copy
Glass Whispersrare!
(renamed by nick_avii)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Glassblowers Delight
(renamed by JublainS)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Glassy Hillsrare!
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Glide Boyrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Glide Surfer play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Gliderrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glistening Dust play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glitch Factoryrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Glitch String Patternsrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Glitch-otto-mus Primerare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Glitching Beat Machine play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Glitching Processing Simulatorrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Glitchy Juxtapositional Interfacerare!
(renamed by JazzyEagle)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Glitering Lightsrare!
(renamed by Ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glitter Pad play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glitter Patterns
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Guitars Acoustic Copy
Glittering Existential Fermionsrare!
(renamed by adam_f5)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Glitterwormrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Global Defense Initiativerare!
(renamed by Nerf_Dermer)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Glockenspiel play_circle_filled Percussion Mallets Copy
Glockenspiel play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Glockenspiel Bellsrare!
(renamed by beautflChillz)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glow Cone
(renamed by mathsocks)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Glowing Atmorare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glowing Crystalsrare!
(renamed by ldcoolgirl)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Glowing Pad ModWrare! play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Glowing, Vivacious Love
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Strings Synth Copy
Gluttonous Xtra-terrestrial Goorare!
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Gnome Acapella
(renamed by CaptainCoincidence)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Go Back To Sleep, You're Dreaming
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Misc) Copy
Go Go Inside When It's All Septemberrare!
(renamed by StaphyGames)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Goalies Without Feetrare!
(renamed by nursebad)
play_circle_filled Synth (Rhythmic) Copy
Gods Judged Humansrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Godzilla Kooshrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Going Hubble Into Spacerare!
(renamed by wopiTV)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Golden Bowl Mallets play_circle_filled Percussion Bells Copy
Golden Noise Generatorrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
golden rings
(renamed by gaybee_the_baby)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Gone To Fishrare!
(renamed by Domdude64)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Gone West Energiesrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Good Black Licoricerare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Good Funky Noise For James On This Organrare!
(renamed by Rosennetyle)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Good Luck Friend
(renamed by ElectricBlue7331)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Good Morning Earthlings
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Good Ol' Organsrare!
(renamed by LPCtunnelrat)
play_circle_filled Keys Organ Copy
Good Ole Gravyrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Good Vibrationsrare!
(renamed by allegra029)
play_circle_filled Synth (Leads) Copy
Good Woodchuck Lograre!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
GoodBye Friend
(renamed by w_a_t_c_h_)
play_circle_filled Winds Synth Copy
Goofy Friyay Imaginationrare!
(renamed by chugernaught23)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Gorgeous Ripples In Gravityrare!
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gorilla King's Hammerrare!
(renamed by Ozeki)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Gorseddau Grooverare!
(renamed by heropapaya)
play_circle_filled Synth (Pads) Copy
Gospel Ensemble play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Gospel Ensemble Swells play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Gospel Ensemble+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Gospel Voice Effects play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Gospel Voice Effects+ play_circle_filled Vocals Choir Copy
Got Chunky Milk?rare!
(renamed by mutiemakesmelosecontroll)
play_circle_filled Textures Soundscapes Copy
Got Dat Firerare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Synth (Arpeggiated) Copy
Got Gold Handsrare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Textures FX Copy
Got No Hidea ( Pronounced as Hi-Dee-A)
(renamed by mutants_molded_my_morals)
play_circle_filled Bass Synth Copy
Grab Another Kilobyterare!
(renamed by dugDbug)
play_circle_filled Keys Synth Copy
Grackles In My Businessrare!