You can help create the elements that go into generating new imaginary friends.
Each imaginary friend is generated using the following format:
#f_intro# … #f_nameFirst# #f_nameLast#, #f_adjective# #f_creature# #f_detail#
ToBeOrNotToBot randomly selects a value for each placeholder and generates something like…
• Your new friend has arrived @TwitchUser. Meet Douglas Pilkington, Esq, a shiny, pink polka-dotted koala bear who likes to unicycle down mountains while reciting Don Quixote from memory.
Using the above example, here is how the different elements would be submitted.
Intro message to user who unlocked the new friend
• !bot f_intro Your new friend has arrived #username# Meet
First name of new friend
• !bot f_nameFirst Douglas
Last name of new friend
• !bot f_nameLast Pilkington, Esq
Article (a or an) and adjective describing new friend
• !bot f_adjective a shiny, pink polka-dotted
• !bot f_creature koala bear
Some detail about what makes this friend unique
• !bot f_detail who likes to unicycle down mountains while reciting Don Quixote from memory.